1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

September PTA Meeting

Draper Elementary School PTA Minutes

Community Meeting

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 Teachers’ Lounge

Attendance: Janene Day, Amy Quintana, Laura Hammers, Morgan Taylor, Melanie Phillips, Shalane Brower, Timette Wankier, Crystal Tatton, Cathy Smith, Cara Briggs, Brittney Hunter, Marissa Geertsen, Kristin Kristensen, Melarie Wheat, Tamara Hinkley

Quorum Present: YES
Executive Board:
President: Marissa Geertsen; President Elect: Cathy Smith and Shalane Brower; Secretary:

Janene Day; Treasurer: Kristin Kristensen; Legislative VP: Melarie Wheat; Memberships: Susy Cotterell

Meeting Started: 9:02 Agenda:

  1. Call to Order/Welcome Marissa

    1. We had a successful assembly for Reflections and Dragon Dash.

    2. Marissa thanked everyone for all that they are doing

  2. Volunteer Hours/Approve Meeting Minutes Janene

    1. Meeting minutes were approved.

    2. A total of 125 volunteer hours were collected.

  3. Pier 49 Pizza Brad

    1. Brad, the manager, would like to support our school.

    2. He can offer free tours and let kids make a pizza. He can accommodate about 30 kids at a time.

    3. Plain white boxes – kids can color and decorate a pizza box and then order pizza and the store

      will donate 25% of sales

    4. Pizza 49 School Day – Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday – store will donate 25% back to the

      school (from the whole day of sales). Whatever class raises the most money, the class will get a

      pizza party

    5. All Star student – flyer to fill out – one topping personal pizza

  4. Bylaw Renewal Janene

    1. One change – Quorum to 10 people instead of 12.

    2. Voted: Unanimous approval of new bylaws.

    3. Bylaws will be shared with all PTA members

5. Budget

  1. End of year reconciliation completed.

  2. End of year balance – $15,654.36

  3. New 2019-2020 Budget completed

  4. Membership fees were down last year. Kept the amount the same in hopes that we will get

    more memberships this year

  5. NFF – kept at $25,000

  6. Scholastic – gets $1500. We have $6,000 – we pay $3,000 for scholastic news for the students

  7. Updated Dragon Dash – upped the amount to help support pizza and water selling

Report /Budget Approval Kristin

  1. Family Fun Nights – $200 Classic Fun Center Nights

  2. Vote: Unanimous approval of new budget

  3. We will share the budget with all PTA members

  1. Membership Update Susy

    1. We have close to 30 people signed up at Meet the Teacher

    2. We will have a signup table at Dragon Dash

    3. We have a total of 131 members

  2. Legislative VP Update Melarie

a. Jeff Stenquist has Town Hall – Thursday 7:00 at Corner Canyon

  1. Box Tops Tamara

    1. Box Tops App – scan your receipt

    2. The app has bonuses – if you buy what’s listed, the give you extra points

    3. Need to change our deadline for collection to 10/14/2019

    4. Ideas for incentives: Whole school rewarded if we hit $1,000?

  2. Back to School Night Marissa

    1. We will not be doing a back to school night due to the parking lot.

    2. Parking Lot is planned to be done 9/23/19!! Yay.

  3. Teacher Dinners Marissa

    1. Marissa needs a committee head – Cathy Smith volunteered to be the head

    2. We do them 4x/year

    3. Job: plan meal, get volunteers, setup and takedown

    4. Marissa will share information of people who said they were interested in teacher dinners

  4. Room Parent Meeting Marissa

    1. Friday 9/13 at 8:00-8:30: Will Move to 9/20/19

    2. Some teachers don’t have room parents. Mostly 2nd and 3rd teachers.

    3. Some parents stated they haven’t heard anything from their teachers

    4. Halloween Party – Thursday 10/31

  5. Dragon Dash Marissa

    1. Monday 9/16 5:30-7:30

    2. Everyone was taught a dance and we will be performing it at the Dragon Dash

    3. We need to think about this as a spirit night

    4. We are going to auction off 4 JetBlue round tickets

    5. We have Fano to DJ the event

    6. Timette will have a SignUpGenius go out

    7. We have a possible conflict with using the field (due to high school football practice) and the

      Drill Team performing on the field. Susy confirmed that they can perform on the track.

    8. Tee-shirts should be ready on Saturday

    9. Staff Tee-shirts dropped off Monday morning

    10. We need a volunteer to be Dewey the Dragon

  6. Fundraising Marissa

    1. Monday 9/30 – Friday 10/11

    2. Envelopes ready by teacher parent conference?



d. 14. Chick a.


c. d.

We raised $2500 from sponsors so far. Only $500 short of what the shirt costs us.

Fundraising assembly? Marissa will ask Christy about an assembly Fil A Birthday Breakfasts Timette

Timette reports that ChickFilA will bring breakfast but no drink. Timette would like to offer a drink and a cupcake. She would like to have an invitation sent
Cost: Cupcakes and Water bottles and invitations. No budget currently. We can add this to our budget.

The students will get out of class from 9:30-10:00
Proposed Dates for Birthday Breakfasts – will need to confirm these dates with Christy

  1. 10/09 August to October Birthdays

  2. 01/10 November to January Birthdays

iii. 03/11 February to April Birthdays

iv. 05/01 May to July Birthdays 15. Red Ribbon Week

a. 10/21-10/25


b. We don’t have anybody yet. Marissa will talk to the person who did it last year 16. Hearing Screening Volunteers Janene

  1. Thursday, 10/10 9:00-12:00ish

  2. We need 4 volunteers. SignUpGenius will go out

  3. There was reports that the vision screening went well and they were done 30 minutes early.

17. Book Fair Marissa

  1. 9/20/19 setup at 12:00 in the library

  2. Bookfair will run 9/25/19 3:00-7:00 and 9/26 at 1:00-7:30

  3. We need volunteers to setup, run the cash registers, take down

  4. Marissa will do SignUpGenius by the end of this week

18. Next Newsletter Should include:

  1. Fundraiser

  2. Halloween Parade – need times

  3. Halloween Parties – need times

  4. Red Ribbon Week

  5. Hearing Screening


  1. Chickfila Birthday Breakfast

  2. Box Top collection deadline – Changed to 10/14/19

Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 8th at 9:00 in the Teachers’ Lounge Meeting Adjourned: 10:24

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