1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

September 14, 2020 – Minutes

Draper Elementary SCC Meeting- ​Notes

Monday 09/14/2020

In Attendance:

Janene Day (parent, Chair) Mike Weaver (parent) Stacey Shaw (parent) Sarah Cole (parent)

Lisa Wright (parent)

Angie Stallings (parent)- excused

Megan Litster (parent)
Christy Waddell (principal)
Madison Ellingson (employee, Co-Chair) Katie Tinoco (employee, Secretary)

Meeting Agenda:

  1. WelcomeMinutes approved.
  2. SCC Trainings
    a. https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc/training/

b. 10/01 and 10/13- ​if you do it online, let Janene know

Yearly SCC Training will be both online and in-person. You may choose which is best for you. I will send the online link as soon as it is live. We strongly suggest that chairs, and anyone else interested, attend in person. The in-person sessions will be limited to 30 people per session and will be held on:

October 1 from 1-2:30 or 6:30 – 8
October 13 from 10-11:30 or 6:30 – 8
You may sign up for the in-person sessions by going to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0A4CA9A62DA3FC1-sccinperson

SCC101 (the basics of SCC) is targeted for new members, though anyone may watch, and will only be online this year. Again, I will send the link as soon as it is live. New members need to watch this training and the yearly SCC Training.

3. Approve Bylaws Janene

Numbers are good for parents and staff. We need to try to avoid having members’ term expire at the same time. Janene will update them to the current year.
Motion made and approved.



  1. COVID Update Christy
    • ●  Christy is not allowed to say the exact number, but we have less than 5 cases currently. Christy has to contract trace and make phone calls to those who have been exposed 2 days before the positive students started showing symptoms.
    • ●  There is a website: ​https://slco.org/health/COVID-19/data/​ that lists which schools have less than 15 or greater than 15 cases.
    • ●  No staff has had to quarantine. Once we start intervention groups and special ed services, more staff may have to be quarantined because they are with the students for more than 15-minutes. Students can be quarantined more than once in a year.
    • ●  BJ, from the district, said that Draper City is “on fire with Covid right now.” We need to protect those who test positive at all costs because others are treating them harshly.
    • ●  Not even the teachers know the exact number or why someone is absent. They will be told when students need to quarantine or test positive.
    • ●  It doesn’t look like anyone is getting Covid from being at school according to the nurse.
    • ●  Halloween arrangements are being discussed with the BLT.
  2. Digital Citizenship/School Safety Christy
    • ●  Traci Preece is over digital citizenship and sends things out to teachers monthly and does lessons with all students during computer brain boosters.
    • ●  Grade level fire drills so students know where to go, but also to maintain social distancing.
    • ●  The parking lot is finished and looks great! The outdoor classroom has been updated and is more user friendly.
  3. Safe Walking Routes Stacey
    • ●  There is a new crossing guard and crosswalks on the east side so things are running more smoothly.
    • ●  The trail is still a blind spot.
    • ●  The intersection on the west is also much smoother and not as busy.
    • ●  We’ll continue to check-in with the city and district on the other goals for thesafe walking routes, like the south walkway.
    • ●  Our map needs to be updated. Christy will talk to Floyd about bus routes and anew map.
    • ●  Our main goal should be to finalize the safe walking route.The next meeting is Oct. 12. Everyone needs to decide which training to attend.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org