1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

October 12, 2020 – Minutes

Draper Elementary SCC Meeting

Monday 10/12/2020

In Attendance:
Janene Day (parent, Chair)
Mike Weaver (parent)
Stacey Shaw (parent)
Sarah Cole (parent)
Lisa Wright (parent)
Angie Stallings (parent)
Megan Litster (parent)
Christy Waddell (principal)
Madison Ellingson (employee, Co-Chair) Katie Tinoco (employee, Secretary)


Meeting Agenda:

  1. Welcome
  2. Approve Previous Meeting MinutesMinutes approved
  3. SCC Trainings Update
    1. Who has attended? Who has watched the training?Mike will do virtually, Megan has done both, Christy did it virtually, Angie will do it, Katie will do it virtually, Stacey did it virtually, Madison will do it virtually, Sarah did it virtually, Janene attended in person, Lisa will attend virtually.
    2. Who plans to attend 10/13?- ​all those who haven’t attended yet are planning to do it virtually before the next meeting
  4. COVID Update Christy*Right now we do not have any confirmed cases, but we are waiting to hear from a student and a teacher.
    *There is a new guideline on quarantining students for school exposure. If they were wearing a mask at the time of exposure, and they are tested 7 days after exposure and test negative they can come back if they are symptom free.*The dashboard you can view is updated on Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoon. Hopefully BJ will be getting access from the health department.
    *Fridays are helping the teachers get caught up and they are feeling less overwhelmed.
  5. Digital Citizenship/School Safety Christy*Traci Preece, our computer teacher, is teaching digital citizenship during boosters. The district has put it on the backburner for now.

Janene Janene


*The next drill will be a lockdown drill and will be held after the next faculty meeting.

It’s not done in a scary way.

6. TSSP and Land Trust Plan Christy

*We do not need to start working on these until the first of the year. The end of year report has also been postponed until January.
*We did our testing for the beginning of the year and most grades came in pretty low. There was a higher than normal learning loss.

7. Budget Christy

*We are on-track right now. We’ve spent about $10,000 in both Land Trust and TSSP money. We have ordered Chromebooks because we don’t have enough right now if we had to shut down again.
*Money to pay aides comes from our budget, but daily substitutes come from the district. Our budget only covers substitutes needed for professional development.

8. Safe Walking Routes Stacey

*Have we heard from the district on a walking map, bus map, and other support? Yes, we have a walking map and Christy will send it. Our bus routes have not changed. The safe walking route needs to change due to the new roads.
*Christy sent a message to Kevin Ray, but he hasn’t responded yet.

*We might need to reach out to Susan Edwards. Stacey will email her about the grant. *The UDOT safe walking routes grant is due on October 23. So it needs to be done ASAP if we are going to apply. It would be for 2023.
*The police department would need to be involved when it comes to telling people what they can and can’t do on a city street.

*Could we have a video that explains the dropoff and pick-up process with the new parking lot?
*Christy will also include it in the weekly emails as needed.

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org