1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

November 9, 2020 – Minutes

Draper Elementary SCC Meeting

Monday 11/09/2020

In Attendance:
Janene Day (parent, Chair)
Mike Weaver (parent)
Stacey Shaw (parent)
Sarah Cole (parent)
Angie Stallings (parent)
Megan Litster (parent)
Christy Waddell (principal)
Madison Ellingson (employee, Co-Chair) Katie Tinoco (employee, Secretary)

Lisa Wright (parent)- ​not present

Meeting Agenda:

1. Welcome

  1. Approve Previous Meeting Minutes
  2. SCC Trainings Role Update

Janene- ​approved Janene

  1. Janene Day (parent, Chair) – attended in person
  2. Mike Weaver (parent) – completed online
  3. Stacey Shaw (parent) – completed online
  4. Sarah Cole (parent) – completed online
  5. Lisa Wright (parent) –
  6. Angie Stallings (parent) – ​completed online
  7. Megan Litster (parent) – completed online
  8. Christy Waddell (principal) – completed online
  9. Madison Ellingson (employee, Co-Chair) – ​completed online
  10. Katie Tinoco (employee, Secretary) -​completed online

4. COVID Update Christy

  •  We currently have 2 students with a positive result. There are 25 students in quarantine. Parents will get a Skylert message when their student has to be quarantined. We are doing well. UEA has asked the governor that the middle and high school close between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but our district has not put anything into place. This will be a local issue. It is very unlikely that the governor or state board would take a stance on that.
  • It doesn’t seem like the kids are getting it from being at school. If we get more adults who have to be out, then we might face a closure.
  • Every time we get positive test results at school it heightens the stress level at school.
  • 20 students are changing from online to in-person and 5 are going online. We have 722 students.

5. Data Review Kaitlin

  • Not all of the same tests were given this year due to time to test and exposure. Overall we did come in lower, but we have lots of room to grow.
  • Math- we are hoping to grow by 6%
  • ELA- we are hoping to grow by 6%
  • For detailed information see detailed reports in the SCC Data folder in Drive: ​ClICK HERE
  • Is it possible to separate the data by online vs in person learning?
  • We purchased Reflex math to help students with their math fact fluency
  • Statewide data shows that overall the 1st graders going into 2nd got hit the hardestduring the online learning.

6. Safe Walking Routes Christy

  • Stacey updated the safe walking routes and the maps
  • Areas outside the purple lines are students who are bussed due to hazardouswalking conditions.
  • Zone 6 is also bussed due to hazardous walking conditions
  • We need to think about what we want brought up to the district and the cityabout the safe walking routes i.e. sidewalks on Fort Street
  • Zone 3 and 5 are still unsafe due to no sidewalks
  • Christy will write a draft of what needs to be turned in and we will discuss it nexttime.
  • Drop-off and pick-up are good when all the aides are here, but it doesn’t run assmoothly when someone has to be gone.
  • Christy talked to the police officer about watching the trouble areas, but shehasn’t heard back on if it happened or not.

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org