1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

May 8, 2023-Minutes

Draper Elementary School SCC Agenda


SCC Members

Parent MembersJanene Day (Chair)Brook Free (Vice-Chair)Megan Litster (Notetaker)Mike WeaverStacey Shaw Angie StallingsNancy Nichols Melissa Inouye – ABSENTMorgan Taylor – ABSENTJamie HarrisStaff MembersRonnie Mulqueen (Principal)Tawna Glover (Teacher) Raye Ann Blauer (Teacher)  Julie Page (Teacher)

Meeting Agenda

Business Items: 

  1. Welcome Janene
  2. Approve Previous Meeting Minutes Janene

DRAFT DE SCC Minutes 4/10

Minutes approved unanimously (Megan was not present when the minutes were approved.)

  1. LAND Trust & TSSP Ronnie
    1. We are all set for the year. 
  2. Safe Walking Route Ronnie
    1. Portable will be delivered on the weekend of 5/20. It will be our 5th portable and it will be on the side. 
    2. Waiting to hear back from district or city about rerouting the parking lot for dropoff next year. Still need to come take a look at it.
  3. School Update
    1. Every teacher is going to generate a letter to their incoming students. It will be sent home with report cards on the last day of school because we have a handful of new teachers this year
      1. 2nd Grade: Ellingson, Lanie and Yao (DLI Chinese) are leaving
      2. 5th Grade: Hurlburt & Hatch are leaving
      3. Special Education Teacher – Ms Willis is leaving
      4. Still hiring for 2nd grade DLI teacher

Discussion Items:

  1. Code of Conduct Review Janene
    1. Ronnie will finalize the Code of Conduct this summer so it is ready to be attached to registration.
  1. 05/02 School Safety Fair Update Janene
    1. 26 students came
    2. The fire truck came. The police detective came with swag. The police department sent crossing guards too. The digital citizenship guy was awesome.  His feedback was to serve hot dogs. Jamie said the feedback she got was soccer conflicts since it is the rec soccer day.
    3. Next year if we consider a community outreach event, we could do it in the fall or early spring.
    4. Stacey said she would like to see community outreach continue.  Ronnie said that before she has done a STEM night and brought in different tools that the students get to use in the classroom. Nancy said she would like to see a training for parents about online resources such as Canvas, parent square, etc. Janene said at the middle school they have someone to help train on that type of thing at back to school night.
  2. Janene said that we will meet again in the fall for those who are continuing with the SCC. Angie did not have a chance to indicate if she was planning on staying or not at the last meeting. She would like to return.

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