1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

February 8, 2021 – Minutes

Draper Elementary SCC Meeting

Monday 02/08/2021

In Attendance:
Janene Day (parent, Chair)​ – present

Mike Weaver (parent) ​- present Stacey Shaw (parent)
Sarah Cole (parent)​ – present Lisa Wright (parent)

Angie Stallings (parent) ​- present
Megan Litster (parent) ​- present
Christy Waddell (principal) ​- present
Madison Ellingson (employee, Co-Chair) ​- present Kaitlin Portzline (employee) – present

Katie Tinoco (employee, Secretary) – maternity leave

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Welcome
  2. Approve Previous Meeting Minutes


  3. COVID Update

Janene Janene


*No one actively has COVID
*2-3 parents called because siblings at Corner Canyon tested positive
*2nd vaccine for Christy and others this week
*Staff and COVID vaccine – this Thursday is the last round for the first vaccine for anyone that has chosen to have it.
*New students for in-person? Looks like we are going to have a lot coming back.
Christy is waiting to see exact numbers and grade levels. Concerns for students that are returning having a gap in their learning. District has possible solutions. Christy is hoping to maybe get a late bus for after school tutoring. Money for tutors could come from district COVID money or our budget.
*Mask Patrol mask – Christy randomly going into classrooms for mask checks. Students get a reward if their mask is being worn correctly (up over nose).

4. TSSP and Land Trust Plan for 2021-2022 Christy

*Winter data shared by Kaitlin

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sfmynF9JfHbycPbv6n5C7PkOZVhpRTbVX2qzB UviAx8/edit#slide=id.p
*Goals for this year – increase our school-wide (K-5) proficiency by 8% for language arts and math, 90% of teachers effectively using the new science standards

*Kindergarten Reading – composite increase by 4%, FSF increase by 15%
*1st Grade Reading – composite increase by 13%, NWF WWR increase by 18%

*2nd Grade Reading – composite increase by 2% *3rd Grade Reading – compositing increase by 4% *(4th and 5th grade testing done by computer) *4th grade increase by 15%

*5th grade increase by 4% *4th/5th grade deeper detail:

Proficient and advanced – Increased 8% Sped increased by 3%
Low Income decreased by 10% Hispanic decreased by 16%

*Kindergarten math – BQD increase by 26%, NNF increase by 15% *1st Grade math – composite increase by 10%
*2nd Grade math – composite increase by 8 %
*3rd Grade math – composite increase by 11%

*4th Grade math – composite increase by 11%
*5th Grade math – composite increase by 15%
*Social emotional data – comes from teachers, they answer the survey for every student in the class. Greatest concern is internalizing risk for 4th grade. The current 4th grade cohort has struggled since 1st grade.
*The survey has teachers report on Internal behavior (anxious, shy, emotionally flat, worried) vs. external behaviors (cheating, stealing, etc.)
*From fall to winter, we have increased in red for internalization – could be attributed to teachers better knowing their students better when filling out the winter survey
*BLT will meet next Friday and use data to guide making goals for next year. Moving forward with a focus on social/emotional needs

  1. Safety Drills Christy

    *January was fire drill month, but it is happening this week instead, doing it by grade level so the whole school is not going through the halls at the same time
    *February drill is shelter in place – teaching continues as usual, no one is allowed to go outside (shelter in place drill to prepare for an emergency such as a chemical spill outside)

  2. Budget Review Christy

    *Money was set aside in the budget to give to teachers for professional development or other needs, shifting slightly to use the money to pay teachers for after school tutoring *Any students that are struggling with math or reading – we will give them the opportunity for after school tutoring, no more than 5 kids in a classroom, may not be the students own teacher, hoping to pay teachers their hourly rate (versus a stipend), if not teachers can hire aides, if no aides want then can hire openly

    * 2 days a week
    *wants to do with or without the bus but think the bus will make it more successful *Still determining if it will be a specific program or specialized help – BLT will determine to target what they need
    *Next plan is to do summer school – that will come out of district money (not TSSP funds)

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