1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

February 12, 2024-Agenda

Draper Elementary School SCC Agenda


SCC Members

Parent MembersJanene Day (Chair)Angie Stallings Megan Litster (Notetaker)Nancy NicholsMorgan TaylorBrian DorichBecky DixonAlivia FairchildStaff MembersRonnie Mulqueen (Principal)Tawna Glover (Teacher) (Vice Chair)Raye Ann Blauer (Teacher)  Suzanne Mackey (Teacher)

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Welcome Janene
  2. Approve Previous Meeting Minutes Janene
    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pslzSABvkpSB2Vf3wHJ8eqRvGrEN9g4JNyGW9rHHUNo/edit?usp=sharing 
  3. TSSP & Land Trust Ronnie
  4. Enrollment for 2024-2025 Year Ronnie
  5. Elementary Planning Time Proposal Ronnie

Discussion Items:

  1. STEAM Parent Night 04/30 Janene
  2. Student/Family Handbook Discussion Ronnie
    1. https://draper.canyonsdistrict.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/323/2023/10/Student_Family-Handbook-DE-2023-2024.docx.pdf

Meeting Dates:

2nd Monday of Every Month at 3:45 in Library

03/11; 04/08; 05/13

Canyons District Parent Night

March 3/21/2024 Union Middle School

DE 2023-2024 TSSP and LAND Trust Plan Overarching Goals:

According to Acadience assessments for K-3, 80% of students are reaching benchmark in reading (literacy). According to Reading Inventory (RI) assessment for 4th and 5th grade, 71% of students are reaching benchmark. We believe this success is a result of concrete, explicit instruction, core instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, and resources. We will continue to implement best practices, such as structured classroom discussion, close reading, and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity. To further improve achievement, we will continue connecting the appropriate interventions, diagnosing student needs, and implementing appropriate tools.

According to Acadience assessments, 79% of students are reaching benchmark in math. We believe this success is a result of concrete, explicit instruction, core instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction, and resources. We will continue implementing best practices and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity.  We will continue to include structured classroom discussion in math lessons and move toward a close look at vertical alignment among grade levels. To further improve achievement, we will continue connecting the appropriate interventions, diagnosing student needs, and implementing appropriate tools.

Life Skills Goal: In order to increase preventative measures, teachers will continue with Morning Meetings, supporting the monthly theme presented at our monthly grade-level meetings, and streamline the PBIS measures with monthly life skills supports. We will use restorative practices for recess, BB, and lunch room conflict. We will continue to provide the community with knowledge of life skills information.

DE 2023-2024 TSSP and LAND Trust Plan Goals:

Math:79% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to increase by 2% proficiency.

Action Plan Summary

In order to meet our goal, we will focus on:

  1. Teachers will meet as grade-level teams to plan and/or receive professional development 3-6 times a year.
  2. Conduct weekly PLC meetings to discuss and plan curriculum, adjust instruction based on current data, and collaborate on professional practices.
  3. Continued focus on Structured Classroom Discussion, supporting English Learners
  4. Optimizing Tier 2 intervention strategies by; diagnosing student needs & connecting appropriate interventions, using data, connecting appropriate measures, using Pathways of Progress and how to apply to Student Intervention Plans (SIPs), and appropriate deliberate practice. This will be supported by our 6 Instructional Assistants. ($20,000/TSSA math)
  5. We will provide materials and supplies to implement these interventions. ($1,000 TSSA)
  6. Software to improve fluency, vocabulary, enrichment, and visual comprehension. ($2000/TSSA) ($3500/Landtrust)
  7. Tutoring will be offered to select students before or after school. ($6000/Landtrust)
  8. Continued professional development and implementation of the Building Fact Fluency kit for number sense.

Language Arts: 85% of students in kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress with 82% at proficiency. 76% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year, with 85% showing typical progress.

Action Plan Summary

In order to meet our goal, we will focus on:

  1. Learning how to successfully implement Wonders and 95 Phonics Core program in K-5. Teachers will meet as grade-level teams to plan and/or receive professional development 3-6 times a year. This will require the use of substitutes. ($9,500/TSSA)
  2. Optimizing Tier 2 by; diagnosing student needs & connecting appropriate interventions, using data, connecting appropriate measures, using Pathways of Progress, how to apply to Student Intervention Plans (SIPs), and appropriate deliberate practice. We will hire 5 MTSS instructional assistants to help us implement our Tier 2 instruction. ($65,000/Landtrust)
  3. We are given a .75 Beverly Taylor Sorenson (BTS) teacher but we will fund the additional .25 out of TSSA so that we can use her additional time to help with Tier 2 interventions in targeted classrooms. ($20,000/Landtrust)
  4. We will hire 6 classroom instructional assistants to help with progress monitoring and individual classroom interventions that will be determined by the instructional coach and through teacher collaboration. ($40,000/TSSA reading)
  5. Our Building Leadership Team will meet to develop the plan for the school year to help teachers successfully implement the new curriculum and develop the new master schedule
  6. Teams will meet to focus on writing and language arts standards to vertically align curriculum and teaching practice for a fluid continuum of learning.
  7. Conduct weekly PLC meetings to discuss and plan curriculum, adjust instruction based on current data, and collaborate on professional practices.
  8. Continued focus on Structured Classroom Discussion (supporting English Learners

School Climate Goal:Our Life Skills staff will conduct three random samples, throughout the year, of students to evaluate who can identify the qualities needed to have positive social interactions with peers and persevere through difficult tasks. Our goal is to have 80% of the students questioned identify at least 5 out of the 8 Mondays with Marissa character traits. Teachers will continue to have daily morning meetings and make meaningful connections with students.

Action Plan Summary

  1. We will add additional hours to our MTSS behavior assistant to support Tier I and Tier II interventions. ($2000/TSSA)
  2. Conduct quarterly surveys for students to identify character traits learned from Mondays with Marissa.
  3. Every month the SEL staff will read a story and have a discussion with each classroom to support the character theme of the month. Books and supplies. ($500/TSSA)
  4. We will fund a .5 FTE in order to have a full-time social worker at our school. ($45,000/TSSA).
  5. Staff will train and monitor Junior Coaches to support structured recess and enhance Playworks activities. ($500/TSSA)
  6. Staff will train and monitor Safety Patrol Students to ensure the safety of all students. ($500/TSSA)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org