1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

August 17, 2020 – Minutes

Minutes 08 17

Draper Elementary SCC Meeting

Tuesday 08/17/2020

In Attendance:

Janene Day (Chair, parent)
Mike Weaver (parent)
Stacey Shaw (parent)
Sarah Cole (parent)
Megan Litster (parent)
Christy Waddell (principal)
Madison Ellingson (Co-Chair, employee) Katie Tinoco (Secretary, employee)


Angie Stallings (parent) Lisa Wright (parent)

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Welcome Welcome to Megan, our new member.
  2. Elect Chair/Vice Chair



Janene will continue as Chair, Madison will serve as Vice Chair, and Katie will be the notetaker (except

during maternity leave and then Megan will take over).

  1. Review Bylaws Janene Individually review and then make suggestions if changes are needed.
  2. School Opening Procedures/Protocols Christy
    • ●  Students should not be dropped off early because they cannot play on the playground before school.
    • ●  Students will line up by class, arms distance apart
    • ●  Teachers will bring them in and students will sanitize every time they come in
    • ●  Desks in classrooms are as far apart as they can be and the same seating chart will be used in the classroom, lunchroom, and brain boosters.
    • ●  One class will go to lunch at a time. They will sanitize before going. Students will be marked off on a paper instead of using lunch numbers. They will not be seated 6 ft apart.
    • ●  Students will sanitize before and after each recess. Masks at recess are not required, but still encouraged if not participating in a high intensity activity. This is the only time they can be without their mask.
    • ●  Brain boosters- each class will stay together. In grades 3-5 the Chinese class will be split among the 4 other classes. Computers will be cleaned in between groups.
    • ●  DLI classes will have students clean desks when they switch.
    • ●  If someone gets COVID: we have to go back 2 days and see all the people they were closer than 6 ft for more than 15-minutes. If you test positive you have to stay out for a minimum of 10 days and must be symptom free for at least 2 days. Those in contact have to quarantine for 2 weeks. Students will go to their teacher’s Canvas page for classwork during those 2 weeks.
    • ●  There are 2 sick rooms in the office- one for COVID and one for other issues. Parents will be called to pick-up their student if they have any COVID symptoms.

● All classroom information will be on the Canvas page rather than weekly emails.
● If a student is sick with symptoms and gets tested for Covid and it comes back negative, they

can return to school with proof of a negative test.
● There are velcro feet in the hallway and a velcro median to divide the hall.
● No parent volunteers to start, but maybe later. Volunteers will have to have their temperature


  1. Parking Lot Update Christy The bus parking lot will be ready and the teacher lot may be ready. Teachers will be parking in the parent lot until the west parking lot is finished.
  2. Land Trust/TSSA Budget Christy Christy does not have this budget yet.
  3. Safe Walking Routes Stacey We made a great effort and now we’re in a waiting phase. The intersection of the trail and road is still a huge concern. We can reach out to Scott or David (Stacey can provide email addresses or can be a point of contact). The police officer assigned to our school will be here for the first day of school.
  4. Meetings for the Year Janene We will plan to have meetings on Zoom. Send Janene an email with the days that don’t work. Meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org