1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

October 2023

Principal’s News – October 2023


Hello OCTOBER.  One of the best things you Can do for yourself is Taking time to learn and grow. Once you give yourself patience, you Become your best advocate with Empathy, self-kindness and Resilience to give what you need to grow. -OurMindfulLife.com


Cell phone and Smart Watch use during school hours is prohibited.  Parents should not call students on their personal device during school hours.  Please call the office if you need to talk with your student.  Students found using electronic devices during instructional time will be subject to the following: 1st violation = warning, 2nd violation = reported to the principal, 3rd violation = device will be confiscated and held in the office for parent pick up.


We are noticing an uptick with students checking in tardy.  Please have your students to school by 8:45am. We appreciate your attention to this matter.


If you plan to volunteer in the classroom, on a field trip, class party, or any event at Draper Elementary please complete your background check.  Use this link https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ to find the necessary form.

Serving on a School Community Council (SCC) is a wonderful way for parents to be actively involved in their children’s education. In the Canyons School District, School Community Council members review school data, identify school needs, establish school goals, and allocate funds toward accomplishing those goals. Every year, each School Community Council creates school plans and reviews district plans with the overarching goal of addressing their school’s greatest academic needs and creating a safe learning environment. If you would like to serve on Draper Elementary’s SCC, contact Mrs. Mulqueen. ronnie.mulqueen@canyondistrict.org

Happy Fall! With fall comes brilliant colors everywhere, even in our food.  This is the season for everything pumpkin…including everything squash and sweet potato.  These fall foods are packed with antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory.  They also come loaded with ingredients such as Vitamin A, to help our vision, organs, and our immune systems.  They contain fiber, which helps to slow digestion and control weight.  These foods also offer us the opportunity to be creative with how we cook these foods.  Pumpkin can be added to oatmeal, pancakes and bread.  Sweet potatoes can be roasted or baked (add a little avocado or olive oil and some of your favorite spices. One of my favorite dinner recipes is sweet potato tacos:

  1. Bake your sweet potatoes
  2. Sauté your lean hamburger (add a little avocado oil to the pan)
  3. Mix in your favorite taco seasoning (Traders has a heart-healthy one)
  4. Split your potato and add a big spoon of meat
  5. Top with diced tomatoes and avocado
  6. Yum!

October- Determination, Growth Mindset, Perseverance

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ― Thomas A. Edison

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” ― Albert Einstein

These quotes remind us that even when our efforts don’t seem to provide results, that doesn’t mean we should give up. We can consider them part of the process of finding what does work. The life skill we are focusing on this month is Grit, Perseverance and Growth Mindset. A good definition for kids is “I can do it, even when it’s tough.” A growth mindset is the understanding that abilities and intelligence can be developed. Once students have this mindset, their confidence increases! Even as they face academic struggles, they will understand that the struggle is part of the process of learning. There are going to be challenges in life, and knowing how to persevere even amidst frustration or disappointment will be a great life skill. Throughout the month Mrs. Lemmon and Mrs. Kim will read to every class “The Things Lou Couldn’t Do” by Ashley Spires.


October 16-18 is Digital Citizenship Week.  Students have been learning some great lessons about how to stay safe online and be a kind person in our STEM Brain Booster class this last month.  Our world is full of technology that helps us all in many ways. Because of this fact, we know how important it is that we learn how to use the different technologies and programs in a healthy way.  Stay tuned for more information during Digital Citizenship Week.


We will hold our annual Halloween parade outside on Tuesday, October 31st.  The parade route will be on school grounds around the black top and sidewalks.  A map with instructions will be sent home closer to the event.


Calendar items:

Oct 2     Mondays with Marissa                 Oct 9       SCC meeting 3:45pm                  Oct 10    Classic Skate Night

Picture Make Up                         Oct 11     PTA meeting 9am                       Oct 16-18 Digital Citizenship Week

PTA Spirit Night – Handles           Oct 19-20 Fall Break; No School                Oct 23   No School

Oct 24-27 Red Ribbon Week                     Oct 31 Halloween Parade 9:30am

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org