Principal’s News – March 2024
“A tiny step of courage is always a great place to start.” – Unknown
With March comes greener things (Happy St. Patrick’s Day!) and signs that spring might be approaching. The hormone serotonin is like the spring for our mind and body…it brings feelings of happiness and well-being and can help stabilize our mood. So how do we boost serotonin levels in our body? Here are some tips:
-Get out and get some sunshine (along with it comes Vitamin D).
-Reduce your sugar intake.
-Increase your intake of salmon, nuts, seed, eggs, spinach, soy products and poultry.
-Be pro-active in your positive thinking.
-Increase your physical exercise.
-Try meditation and massage.
Make time for some family fun this spring! If you’re looking to balance screen time during your child’s spring break, here are ways you can make precious memories together without the use of devices. You could even let different family members take turns choosing activities each day. Find more activities and resources at
The life skill for the month of March is ‘Integrity and Honesty’. Childhood provides the opportunity to develop habits that we carry throughout our lives for the good or the bad. Two habits or character traits which can help lead to greater success across the lifetime of our students are integrity and honesty. Learning the importance of telling the truth, even when it is hard, is critical to the development of trust in relationships and a growth mindset. As children develop the capacity to share hard truths, find positive truths to share even when lying may be tempting, and hold themselves accountable for their own actions, they will be establishing habits conducive to continual growth as well as trust within their relationships. To reinforce this month’s life skill, Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Chelsey will be reading The Empty Pot by Demi in the classrooms. “Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.” ― Spencer Johnson
Please remember to follow the pick-up and drop off procedures. We need all cars to pull all the way forward for to pick up or drop off your students. Please do not stop in the crosswalk area with the anticipation of a quick transition. This action will drastically slow the flow of traffic. The Manfield two-lane road in very busy before and after school. Please be patient to wait for traffic to move before heading into the opposite lane to pass. A few extra seconds of waiting will help prevent any collision. As the weather begins to warm, pay close attention to students on bikes, scooter, skateboard, etc. Our goal is to keep everyone safe. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Calendar items:
March 1 No School
March 4-8 Literacy Week
March 4 Mondays with Marissa
March 11 3:45pm SCC meeting
March 13 9am PTA meeting
March 18 Spring Pictures
March 19 Classic Skate Night
March 25 No School
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible!” Audrey Hepburn