1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

October PTA Meeting

Draper Elementary School PTA Minutes

Community Meeting

Tuesday, October 08, 2019 Teachers’ Lounge 9:00am

Attendance: Cara Briggs, Susy Cotterell, Janene Day, Timette Winkier, Crystal Tatton, Morgan Taylor, Shalane Brower, Cathy Smith, Terri Francis, Christy Waddell, Kristin Kristensen, Marissa Geertsen Quorum Present: yes Executive Board: President: Marissa Geertsen; President Elect: Cathy Smith and Shalane Brower; Secretary:

Janene Day; Treasurer: Kristin Kristensen; Legislative VP: Melarie Wheat; Memberships: Susy Cotterell

Meeting Started: 9:00 Agenda:

  1. Call to Order/Welcome Marissa

  2. Collect Volunteer Hours/Approve Minutes Janene

    a. Minutes from previous meeting were approved

    b. Janene will submit 316.5 volunteer hours this month

  3. Budget Report Kristin

a. Kristin was not present for the budget report. She will provide Janene with a copy of the updated budget.

  1. Membership Update Susy

    1. We now have 137 total members

    2. Susy will put envelopes in the teachers’ boxes so we can get the teachers that haven’t joined


  2. Legislative VP Update Melarie

a. City Council Candidates Debate tomorrow (10/09) at Draper City Hall. i. Meet and Greet is 6:00-6:30 PM and debate 6:30-7:00

  1. Box Tops (Due 10/14) Tamara (not present at the meeting)

    1. Due next Wednesday (10/14)

    2. Christy requested an email about this to put in the Dragon Dash

    3. Film crew make a video to send it out?

    4. There is no limit of when we can send box tops in. We as a school only collect and send them in twice a year.

    5. Box Tops only sends schools a check 2x/year

  2. Fundraising Update Marissa/Kristin

    1. The kids have been loving the fundraiser rewards.

    2. Fano was awesome and the kids loved him dressed as a fairy

    3. We are at about $16,000. We need to make $25,000.

    4. Timette has made a handout to have students request more donations – cold calls

    5. Timette says that the kids like knowing the totals.

    6. Average donation is $25/student

    7. We have one more push for Corner Canyon Day to help get to $25,000

  1. If we don’t raise the money, the school does the next fundraiser. The SCC would be responsible for running the fundraiser.

  2. Should we send an email to parents from the PTA to help get donations?

  3. Should the teachers email the parents?

  1. Chick

    1. 10/09 August to October Birthdays

    2. Pencils are ready to go with notes. Draper Dragon Birthday

    3. We have 15 kids are gluten free and Chickfila can accommodate this need.

    4. Timette will put a list of kids in the teacher’s boxes so they will know who to send down

    5. Setup is at 8:15am

    6. Meals is 9:00-9:15

    7. Brain Boosters start at 9:30

  2. White Ribbon Week 10/14-10/16

a. Traci Preese will do this

10. Red Ribbon Week 10/21 to 10/25

  1. Red Ribbon Week ideas: – Janene will make a handout for teachers and parents. Bolded ideas

    are what we have decided to use:

    1. **Wear Red (Monday)

    2. **Wear Neon colors “I am too bright to do drugs”

    3. **College Day “Committed to a Bright Future” – wear colors for favorite college

    4. **Pajama Day “I believe I can achieve my dreams”/ “Keeps your dreams in focus”

    5. Jersey Day “Team up against drugs”

    6. Sports Day “Be on a drug free team”

    7. **Sunglasses Day “Shade out drugs”

    8. Hat Day “Put a cap on drugs”

    9. Tie Red Ribbons to the fence take the Drug Free Pledge

      1. Cara suggested putting Solo Cups in the fence that say “Be Drug Free” – Kristin

        will coordinate this

      2. Give popcorn to the kids. Middle of the week at lunch. Kids sign a board pledge

        and they get popcorn

  2. Videos to show to students:

    Christy will approve videos that can be included in handout for students/parents

    1. Cartoon – Peer Pressure/Drug Description Video (3:00): https://youtu.be/FN78E_iaITE

      (older grades)

    2. Cartoon – “I’m only me if I am drug free” (2:30): https://youtu.be/yEpF4Q_FaqQ

      (younger grades)

    3. Cartoon – Drug free rap song (1:30): https://youtu.be/OOEzYgS36CI (older grades)

    4. Kid President – Making Tough Choices (4:59): https://youtu.be/gdsCUExLE-Y (older


    5. Will I Am Sesame Street Subs (1:51): https://youtu.be/0CAtFbp7oYw (younger grades)

    6. TED-Ed– How do cigarettes affect the body (5:20): https://youtu.be/Y18Vz51Nkos (older grades)

Fil A Birthday Breakfast Timette


  1. TED-Ed- How do drugs affect the brain (5:05): https://youtu.be/8qK0hxuXOC8 (older grades)

  2. TED-Ed – How does your body process medicine (4:12): https://youtu.be/uOcpsXMJcJk

  3. TED-Ed – How does the liver work (3:24): https://youtu.be/wbh3SjzydnQ

  4. TED-Ed- How do the kidneys work (3:54): https://youtu.be/FN3MFhYPWWo

  5. Vaping Video (1:53): https://youtu.be/6JCAyb3lDTo (older grades)

c. Vaping website to share with kids/parents:


d. Film crew make a video for the school? i. This would be something we can do for next year.

e. Dewey comes before school one day? i. This could be a possibility

11. Halloween/Room Parents Cara

  1. Room Parent meeting went really well.

  2. Every teacher has room parents

  3. Cara needs a count for donuts.

  4. Extra treats – need to be store bought

  5. Gluten free kids/allergy kids – parents will need to send a treat or teachers can coordinate

  6. Parade – Kindergarten will do their own parade. Parade will go fifth grade, fourth grade, third

    grade, second grade and then first grade

  7. We discussed the possibility of having PTA volunteers on the corners of the route

  8. We have signs for each grade that the teachers can hold so parents know what grade is coming

    down the route. Timette will deliver the signs to Christy. Christy will handout the signs to the teachers.

12. Classic Skate Night

  1. Wednesday 11/6 5:30 to 8:30

  2. Fundraiser prize

  3. Come and have fun!


13. Staff Appreciation Week

  1. Monday 11/11 to Friday 11/15

  2. Budget: $200 (or possibly more if needed)

  3. Crystal will help organize this. Morgan would like to help.

  4. Staff includes: Fano, aides, lunch room workers, etc.

  5. It was mentioned that we should let parents know about this week.

14. Reflections are being judged today a. Assembly?

  1. November 1st?

  2. November 4th?

15. Advocacy Conference – PTA Members and nonmembers a. October 15th

16. November Newsletter should include: Janene a. Classic Skate Night


b. Staff Appreciation Week Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 12th at 9:00 in the Teachers’ Lounge Meeting Adjourned: 10:06

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