1080 East 12660 S., Draper, UT 84020

March Minutes

Draper Elementary School PTA Minutes

Community Meeting

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020 Teachers’ Lounge

Attendance: Janene, Susy, Cathy, Crystal, Cara, Timette, Tamara, Morgan, Christy, Marissa
Quorum Present: yes
Executive Board: President: Marissa Geertsen; President Elect: Cathy Smith and Shalane Brower; Secretary:

Janene Day; Treasurer: Kristin Kristensen; Legislative VP: Melarie Wheat; Memberships: Susy Cotterell

Meeting Started: 09:05


  1. Call to Order/Welcome Marissa

  2. School Update Christy

    a. We have two openings for next year – Kindergarten and 1st Grade
    b. We are getting a Kindergarten teacher from Ridgecrest. She was teacher of the year last year.

    She will teach the Supplemental Kindergarten Class (Full day Kindergarten)
    c. We have 4 1st grade teachers interested in transferring here. Christy will interview the

    candidates and hopefully know by the end of the week.

  1. Collect Volunteer Hours/Approve Minutes a. We collected a total of 82 hours
    b. Minutes approved unanimously.

  2. Budget Report

a. We are on budget for everything

5. Membership Update
a. Nothing new for membership

  1. Legislative VP Update

    1. PTA day at the capital: PTA gave a check for $39,000,000 – to represent PTA Volunteer hours

    2. PTA is in favor of adding a question to ballots in November asking voters if they would allow

      funding for children and disabilities come out of the education funding instead of general fund.

      The education fund has more money than the general fund.

  2. Nominating Committee Update Marissa

    1. Marissa has two possible co-president elect candidates

    2. Membership person ? No one has called Marissa back

  3. Box Tops Update Tamara

    1. Last collection date will be: 5/20

    2. Our March collection we earned a total of $151.80 ($52.30 from clipped Box Tops and $99.50

      from scanned receipts). Our school total for the year is $825.60. 3rd grade won by a landslide! Yay 3rd grade! We only need $174.40 from our next collection in May to meet our school goal of $1,000.

    3. Next year Heather Nielsen will do Box Tops

  4. February In-N-Out Night Update Marissa/Timette


Kristin Susy Melarie

a. We raised $433.25
10. Parent Teacher Conference Book Fair Update Marissa

  1. We had our biggest book fair. We did over $10,000.

  2. We had new volunteers which was good.

  3. Next book fair at Grandparent’s Day – B1G1

11. ChickfilA Birthday Breakfast Timette

  1. Wednesday 3/11

  2. We will do the breakfast earlier for 1st graders and the field trip.

12. Literacy Week: March 16th to 20th Janene

  1. Monday: Warm-up Day

  2. Tuesday: Crazy Socks

  3. Wednesday: Tennis Shoes

  4. Thursday: Headband/Hat (Reading in the Hall 2:55-3:05)

  5. Friday: School Spirit Shirt (Assembly: 9:15)

  6. Every student will get a new book from Scholastic. It usually costs $4200 for this. Books have

    been ordered. Marissa will need help sorting the books. They will be delivered on Friday.

13. Classic Skate Night: Wednesday 3/25 Marissa

  1. We will start advertising the skate night at the assembly

  2. We have flyers to hand out

14. Pier 49 Night: Wednesday 4/1 Marissa

a. The whole day will count towards our school. Timette will find out more information. 15. Grandparents Day/Book Fair: 4/30 and 5/1 Marissa

  1. Will need to start planning

  2. Christy would like to leave open spots in the front of the school for Grandparents only

  3. Marissa is volunteering her golf cart for anyone that is interested to drive it to shuttle


16. ChickfilA Birthday Breakfast: 5/1 Timette

  1. Last one for the year.

  2. We plan to continue to do this next year as well.

17. Teacher Appreciation Week: 5/4-5/8 Marissa

a. Teacher Appreciation week is taken care of.
18. Field Day: Wednesday 5/27 Marissa

  1. Shalane and Cathy are in charge of Field Day

  2. Custom Events has been contacted for the bounce houses

  3. We will still have: Dunk Tank, DJ, Face Painting, Photo Booth

  4. Petting Zoo may be added

  5. SignupGenius will be sent out

    PTA Convention: May 14-15th:


Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 14th at 9:00 in the Teachers’ Lounge

Meeting Adjourned: 10:00 Minutes Accepted:

President: Date: Secretary: Date:

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