1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

August 2020 Minutes

Draper Elementary School PTA Agenda

PTA Meeting

Wednesday August 12th 2020 at 9:30
12455 Relation Street, Draper 84020
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89955200526?pwd=YkFXVHg0cFIveFJVSXA0Z0xReWJKdz09 Meeting ID: 899 5520 0526 Passcode: 8hd53i

Attendance: Janene, Shalane, Tamara, Melarie, Shalane, Morgan, Cara, Cathy, Kristin, Crystal, Christy, Timette Quorum Present (12): Yes

Executive Board: President: Cathy Smith; Vice President: Shalane Brower; President Elect: Morgan Taylor and Crystal Tatton; Secretary: Janene Day; Treasurer: Tamara Hinckley; Legislative VP: Melarie Wheat; Memberships: Susy Cotterell

Meeting Started: 09:35 Agenda:

  1. Call to Order/Welcome

  2. Volunteer Hours

Cathy/Shalane Janene

  1. You can login on your own to log your hours

  2. Janene will turn in monthly bulk volunteer hours

  3. Today we collected a total of 93 hours

  1. Budget Report Tamara

    1. Projected budget for 2020-2021: $26,874.05

    2. Need MOU from Christy ($6,000)

    3. No-Fuss Fundraiser $25,000 Goal

    4. Budget approved: Yes, unanimously

  2. Memberships Susy

    1. Reminder: All executive board members need to be PTA members

    2. Susy is not sure how many members we currently have. Memberhub only shows 9 members

      and we know it is more than 9 members

    3. We talked about advertising to join the PTA in the parking lot at the school

    4. Susy can give teachers envelopes to advertise

  3. Legislative VP Melarie

a. No update

6. Back to School Video Everyone
a. PowerPoint Slide Video completed to share with parents

7. School Update Christy

  1. 570 Students coming back in person

  2. Some teachers are apprehensive about coming back. Most are excited to come back.

  3. We lost a 1st grade teacher (moved) and 2nd grade teacher (teaching online)

  4. Christy stated “We are going to be the school that doesn’t close”

  5. District Rules

    1. 3 per class diagnosed with COVID – whole class quarantines

    2. 15 per school diagnosed with COVID – whole school quarantines

  1. Emergency Kits Cathy/Shalane

    1. $300 Budgeted for emergency kits

    2. Granola Bars (Chocolate Chip – no nuts), Fruit Snacks, Water Bottles

    3. SignupGenius – Water bottles and Gallon Size Bags

    4. PTA will cover Granola Bars and Fruit Snacks

    5. 570 Students

    6. Wait until September to put together Emergency Kits

  2. Fundraising Everyone

    1. $35/Student No-Fuss Fundraiser

    2. Dates: 9/21 to 10/05

    3. Janene will make envelopes to be handed out to students/parents at Parent Teacher


    4. Teacher from each grade that turns in the most envelopes will get their bus duty covered by a

      PTA member

  3. Box Tops Tamara

    a. Tamara will hand out Box Top collection boxes to all the teachers b. Heather Nielsen will be doing Box Tops this year
    c. We have already earned $54.00 this year from box tops

  4. Spirit Nights Timette
    a. Timette will work on scheduling Spirit Nights. Restaurant ideas:

    1. Pier 49

    2. Zupas

    3. Chickfila

    4. In-&-Out

    5. Spitz

    6. Costa Vida

vii. Bahama Bucks 12. Room Parent Discussion

a. Class Parties will look different. Need to explore ideas for room parents.

  1. Room parent idea: Provide their teacher dinner for one night of PTC – Christy can help pay for dinners if Room Parents need help

  2. Add “Room Parent” slide to Powerpoint Slides to advertise. Include Cara’s email address.

  1. Parent Teacher Conference (PTC) Dinners Cathy/Shalane

    1. Wednesday 9/23 and Thursday 9/24

    2. Needs to be box dinners

    3. Marissa will help with dinners

  2. Selling Old School Shirts (at PTC for $5/shirt) Janene/Marissa

    1. Parent Teacher Night have a table out to sell shirts

    2. How to pay for them? Succesfund?

    3. Square has fees

    4. Cathy and Shalane think we can add a “store” to our successfund page since parent teacher conference will be during our No Fuss Fundraiser

15. Masks instead of shirts Cathy/Shalane

  1. We think it will cost $2,600 for the masks

  2. Sponsors for the masks? Will put them on a banner we will hang outside the school

16. Reflections Everyone

  1. Due 11/1/2020. Theme: “I Matter Because…”

  2. We need someone to be over this for the school

  3. We feel there are some kids that would be interested in doing reflections

  4. We can advertise about Reflections at parent teacher night

  5. Add a slide to advertise we are looking for a reflections volunteer to our back to school PowerPoint

17. Newsletter for September

  1. Parent Teacher Conferences

  2. Shirt sale

  3. NFF

  4. Memberships

  5. Emergency Kits

  6. Spirit night for September

  7. Virtual book fair?

Next Meeting: September 9th, 2020 at 9:30 Meeting Adjourned: 11:21
Minutes Accepted:






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