1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

Literacy Week!

Thanks to our amazing PTA and staff we had an incredible Literacy Week at Draper Elementary. Here are a few highlights!


We started off with a fun assembly with athletes from colleges throughout Utah, people from the community, past Draper Dragons, and our very own D1 athlete Ms. Nygren. All of these amazing people got our school fired up for a week focused on reading!

Each day students were to read 30 minutes. The final number of minutes read by the school was 94,990!

The students earned all their goals and got popcorn and m&m’s for their read a thon, they all earned a free book, 5 minutes extra of lunch recess and classic skate night on Tuesday March 17!

Roz from Wild Robot was the winner of our character bracket!!

We had a fun week with student creating their favorite book covers that are hung up in the halls for the rest of the month for all to see.

Each class created a top 3 favorite book list that will be hung on the bulletin board in the lunchroom to give others ideas for fun books to read.

We had parents and members of our community signed up to read to classes throughout the week.

The library is introducing books to the students all month from the Beehive Award winning books in Utah.

We had a drawing and prize winners every morning. 

It was a fun motivational week to develop the love of reading!

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