1080 E. 12660 South, Draper, UT 84020

Dragon Delivery 10/25

HALLOWEEN CELEBRATIONS ON FRIDAY:  We are planning to have our Halloween parade on the playground on Friday morning beginning at 9:15.  If you would like to come watch, you may.  We will have a parade route marked off and you can just stand outside of that.  There will be no stopping.  The kids will simply come out of the building, walk along the parade route and then go back into the school.

HALLOWEEN COSTUMES: The students will still be doing school work on Friday so please make sure their costume is something that will be comfortable to be in all day.  The dress code is still in force.  No masks are allowed, except for masks to wear because of Covid.

COVID: Last Monday we had 4 positive cases but did not get any additional during the week.  Woohoo!  Let’s keep it up.

THANK YOU: Thank you for sending your children to school when they are healthy.  We are struggling because of all our absenteeism but we are doing our best to get your children caught up when they return.

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 5: The district has announced that this will be a Teacher Work Day/ Student remote learning day.  You will not need an electronic device for your student so we will not be checking that out.  Your child’s teacher will be sending out information on expectations for the day.  Please make sure you know how to log in to their Canvas account. That is where teachers will house their information.

PTA Information:

Red Ribbon Week: “Don’t Get Caught in the Wicked Web of Drugs”

Red Ribbon Week is this week. We have some fun activities planned for the students. Dress Up Days:

Tuesday: Wear Tie Dye or Neon

Wednesday: Wear Red

Thursday: Wear Pajamas

Friday: Halloween Costumes – Happy Halloween!

Halloween Parties

Room Parents have planned fun parties for all the classes. The PTA will provide donuts for all the class parties.

Upcoming PTA Events:

Classic Skate Night: 11/09 5:00-8:00

Fall Service Project Collection Dates: 11/8-11/12

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org