DRAGON DELIVERY August 27, 2021
From Principal Christy Waddell
COVID: As of Friday morning, we had one case of Covid in the school. The teachers are doing a great job cleaning their rooms. Please keep your kids home if they are not feeling well.
Superintendent’s Listening Tour: Have a question about Canyons School District? Suggestions, concerns or compliments? Or maybe, after the months of social distancing that coincided with Dr. Rick Robins’ first year as CSD’s Superintendent, you’d like to meet him in person. Coming soon to a middle school near you: community members will have a chance to do just that as Dr. Robins travels the District for his inaugural Superintendent’s Listening Tour. The Town Hall-style events will run from 6:30-8 p.m. and take place at the following locations.
Butler Middle, Aug. 31
7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights
Midvale Middle, Sept. 8
7852 S. Pioneer St., Midvale
Eastmont Middle, Sept. 13
10100 S. 1300 East, Sandy
Draper Park Middle, Sept. 15
13133 S. 1300 East, Draper
Thank you to all the parents who donated to the emergency kits!
Fundraiser Committee Help
Fundraiser Committee is meeting on Tuesday, 08/31 at 9:00 in the Teacher’s Lounge. Signup if you are interested in helping.
Spirit Night: Cafe Zupas 08/31
Plan to have dinner at Cafe Zupas on 08/31 from 4:00-9:00pm. Part of your purchase will be donated to Draper Elementary School! Order online or use the app just use the code FUNDRAISER25 If in person just let the cashier know you are with Draper Elementary.
Meet the Masters: Volunteers Still Needed
There are only a few teachers who still need a Meet the Masters Volunteer. Volunteers are given all the training and supplies they need to teach the students an art project. Please sign-up here. If you have any questions, please email: draperelementarypta@gmail.com
Hearing Screenings – Volunteers Needed
There are still volunteer spots available to help the Audiologist complete hearing screenings on Friday 10/08. You will be trained how to use the equipment. Please sign-up here.
Please visit: https://tinyurl.com/draperPTA for up-to-date information and volunteer opportunities.
Please Note: All volunteers must sign-in in the front office and wear the Volunteer Sticker visibly on their person to volunteer in the school.
Don’t forget to Join the PTA!!