1080 East 12660 S., Draper, UT 84020

Safe Walking Route

 Draper Elementary Safe Walking Route Details 


Please discuss these important guidelines with your children attending Draper Elementary School. After reviewing, please take time to walk the designated route with your child to help point out possible hazards. For the safety and well being if all students, families are to adhere to the following: 

– The safest- most direct walking routes to Draper Elementary are marked on the following map with green areas  Each family should decide which of the streets are safest to get to and from home. 

– All students riding to school on a bike or scooter should understand rules of the road and take caution. Students must walk bicycles and scooters once on school property and park at the bike rack. Students should wear bike helmets and follow bike safety procedures. 

– Students should only cross where there is a designated crosswalk. Crossing guards are stationed at 12650 S and Fort Street and ** Willow Springs Lane and Fort Street. Students and adults should follow the directions given by safety personnel. 

– Safety in the school parking lot is the responsibility of everyone! Students and adults should respect and obey crossing guards, school staff, and safety patrol members as they fulfill their duties. 

– All students should go straight home from school. Do not accept rides without parent permission. Any strange or dangerous behavior should be reported to local authorities and the school. 

For students walking and/or riding to school, please consider these safest routes: 

Zone 1: ** Students who live on/west of 700 West and along Whisper Bend Dr should progress through neighborhoods to Willow Springs Lane, head East to Fort Street where they will cross with crossing guard to the East side of Fort Street and enter the Willow Springs Trail. Then at Fayview lane, they will turn north and enter the school from the South walkway entrance. 

Zone 2: Students who live Northeast of the school should walk along Pioneer street, or neighborhood streets until Fort Street and proceed along Fort until 12650 and enter the school property from there. 

Zone 3: ** Students who live South of the school should walk along neighboring streets until they reach Caraway Lane (Fayview Dr in the future), turn left and enter the school through the South walkway entrance. 

Zone 4: ** Students who live in the Draper Historic Park area, should walk along neighborhood streets until Fort Street and 12650, where they will then cross with crossing guards across the crosswalk to enter school property. 

Zone 5: ** Students who live East of the school will walk to Manfield Way where they will enter the school property along sidewalk. 

Zone 6: ** Students who live along Fort Street to the South of the school, will walk along Fort Street to the Willow Springs Trail. They will follow trail until Fayview lane, turn north and enter school property from South walkway entrance. 

** If South Entry is not approved, students from Zone 1 and Zone 6 will walk along Fort Street to 12650 and enter school property. Students from Zone 3 and 5 will walk to Manfield Lane and enter school from the East side.

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