1080 East 12660 S., Draper, UT 84020

December 2022

Principal’s News – December 2022


“Remember this December, that love weighs more than gold!”– Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon


As the winter months are upon us, there will be an increase of dropping off and picking up students. It is important that we all do our part to keep our students safe. Please follow the flow of traffic, pull all the way up when dropping off, use the cross walk, never enter the bus lane, adhere to the direction of the adults outside, and be compassionate to others.


This month we are focusing on the life skill of ‘Compassion.’  Compassion is wanting to help when a need is discovered. A good reminder is “empathy plus action equals compassion.” When we feel empathy for someone and then want to do something to make things better, that is showing compassion. It helps us reflect, observe and think about our actions and how what we do or say affects others. Building compassion can help us distinguish wants from needs. A higher level of compassion in a classroom predicts higher levels of student engagement. When students show compassion to each other and, by extension, learn to show it to themselves, the classroom community becomes a safe, welcoming environment. Compassion in ourselves and others can increase confidence because we know we all matter. It can make us better equipped to solve problems, as well as encourage us to lend a hand to those in need.


Throughout the month, Ms. Ashley will be reading Bear Feels Sick written by Karma Wilson to the kindergarten, first and second grade classes. Mrs. Blake will be reading The Three Questions written by John J. Muth to the third fourth and fifth grade classes.


Most kids will encounter mean behavior at some point in their digital lives. To some kids, this experience is a blip that’s easily forgotten, while for others it can have deep, long-lasting effects. For parents, the key is staying involved in kids’ lives — both online and off — so they can step in and offer help if necessary. With guidance from parents and educators, kids can learn how to dodge the drama and stand up for others.  Visit Common Sense Media to learn more about these quick tips Links to an external site. (www.commonsense.org/education).


Let’s focus on food preparedness this month.  When you are out and about shopping, stock up on items that are not only easy to store, but also that you will eat.  Most households now have instant pots, but even if you don’t, beans are a great staple to have around (and easy to cook in the Instant Pot).  Stock up on a variety of beans as they are high in protein and fiber.  Other great staples include nut butters, dried fruits (Walmart has great #10 containers of freeze-dried berries…a great food to have around in winter), shelf stable grains and milks, canned goods, etc… Again, store what you will eat, and make it a goal to build up your “favorite” food supply…. just in case.


Breakfast begins at 8:30am. Please do not drop your students off before 8:30am.


Possession of a cell phone or SMART watch is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student that uses the device inappropriately.  The district will not be responsible for preventing theft, loss of or damage to any electronic device brought to school.  Electronic devices may not be used during classroom time, instructional activities or field trips.  Phones must remain off during school hours and in back packs. SMART watch may only be used as a watch during school hours. The principal, on a case-by-case basis to accommodate family emergencies or medical necessity may grant exceptions to this policy. Other electronic devices are prohibited at school unless the teacher grants special permission.


Calendar items:

Dec 6    PTA Spirit Night (Costa Vida)

Dec 9    Career Day

Dec 12  3:45pm SCC meeting in library

Dec 13 4th grade to Symphony

6pm Parent Winter Choir Performance

Dec 14  9am PTA meeting; faculty room

Dec 19 – Jan 2  Winter Break

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